Write content about design Philosophy at Xoxoday.

Common Interview Questions

  1. Walk us through the product you were working on earlier. Talk about the TG, the competition, market size, differentiation & revenue model.

  2. Walk us through a feature in this product. How did you come up with this design?

  3. What has been your reporting structure? Have you handled any teams?

  4. What are the tools and technologies you generally use?

  5. Explain the process you followed in the design teams. Talk more about agile/scrum/sprints.

  6. Many times you get rejections or disagreements from your customers/sales/manager about the design you have done. How do you resolve it?

  7. What type of product metrics do you look at? Share how you used these metrics in your previous role?

  8. How do you measure the success of your design/features?

  9. How do you listen to customers & take decisions?

  10. Are you keen on visual designs or UX? Share more about your experience in each.

  11. What are your top 2 favorites in technology products in terms of design? Why are these your fav?

  12. How do you stay ahead of the curve in your work?

  13. If you have to interview me for this role, what are the key skills you ll look into me?

  14. How would your ex-colleagues talk about you on your farewell?

  15. How would your manager talk about you on your farewell?

  16. Why do you want to join Xoxoday?