๐Ÿ‘คย Manoj Agarwal

10th January 2022

In times when opportunists with aspirational ideas believe that spending more always means earning more, the ethic of conservatism, frugal application of financial factors, and maximum exhaustion of efforts are often ignored. The true value of a project is emanated when it is accomplished by using the least of resources. Below are 38 invaluable leadership insights by Manoj Agarwal, Co-founder of Empuls, that would change your perspectives on handling resources and customer expectations.

โš–๏ธ Less = more

In the world of consumerism and "excess" in everything; I have found delight in "Minimalism". I am sharing my best learnings which can help any organization to improve its business. It has been helping Xoxoday too.

๐Ÿ’กย Scarcity is the mother of invention

โ€Empuls have grown from zero to a few points with limited resources. We found solutions in every problem, embraced iterations and changes, and tried innovation in every small thing whether it's lead generation, reducing customer tickets, reducing fixed costs, hiring, and technology. Less is more for us.

๐Ÿ•ย Break down the scope in smaller teams

Rather than adding more people to a project, break down the project itself. This always helps in agility and cost controls.

โŒ›Do just what is essential

A laser-sharp focus helps in getting high-quality output. Many times at work, we are busy doing unnecessary and lose focus on what is most important. Organizations should be ruthless in removing anything unnecessary whether it's design, features, processes, goals, teams, initiatives, etc.

๐Ÿชดย Clutter to clarity

We keep sitting on multiple tasks and goals. While chasing multiple goals, one tends to deliver each with mediocre output. Instead of that, one can choose a few goals at a time, do them very well before moving on to the next.

๐ŸชœDeep Work

28000 is the number of hours the Xoxoday team collectively puts at work every month. 8000 hours was the number of hours at work from the WhatsApp team when it was acquired by Facebook. Deep focussed work can create wonderful output with lesser man-hours. Organizations should enable workspaces that help in deep work and reduce distractions in everything else. Xoxoday needs to improve in its deep work culture and I am sure this applies to many other companies

๐Ÿ”• Less noise at work

Open workspaces in offices in the name of collaboration are increasingly leading to distractions. Organizations should have a good balance between open spaces and noise-free spaces. Most of the time your output is best when you are working alone with access to people on-demand. The always-on collaboration through open workspaces does not help any cause and kills productivity.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Meetings are toxic

Meetings in organizations are the biggest time killers. One meeting with 5 people for 1 hour is equal to 5 man-hours. Most of the time meetings don't result in anything. What could be done in a simple mail or chat that resulted in a meeting? Avoid the temptation of meetings, have clear agendas, decline what is not relevant, and have fewer meeting rooms.